This demo is from Level 13 of the CD version of Blood Bath. It's a fairly difficult level and you have just one life to finish it (in the actual game you have several lives). Here are some tips and tricks for completing the demo:
1) Click the 'Options' button and set the difficulty to 'Easy'.
2) Set your mouse to one of highest speeds possible (by double-clicking Mouse in the control panels folder).
3) Re-load often if you're using the hand-gun.
4) Shoot several times in case your first shot misses.
5) Look for power-ups (For example, If you shoot the enscryption on the middle gravestone you'll get a donut and an extra badge).
Blood Bath has several passwords (if you feel the need to cheat). For example, try typing 'flrup' while playing or viewing the title page (make sure to use lower-case letters). Look for other passwords on-line.